The Role of Naloxone in The TX Overdose Epidemic

The Role of Naloxone in The TX Overdose Epidemic

The Role of Naloxone in The TX Overdose Epidemic

The Lone Star State has many things to be proud of, but a TX overdose epidemic isn’t one of them. Between 1997 and 2007 alone, TX overdose rates have more than doubled. Drugs like methamphetamine and heroin are largely to blame, and much of it is smuggled over the Mexican border. This rising TX overdose epidemic has several enemies, however, including drug abuse education, holistic treatment, and effective medications like Naloxone.

What is Naloxone?

Naloxone is a drug that can combat the impact of an opiate overdose. While it has some medical purposes outside of overdose and addiction, it’s often closely associated with preventing overdose deaths. If an opioid drug, such as heroin or some painkillers, is taken in a large dose, Naloxone can be administered to quickly counter the effects of the drug on the body.

Naloxone is administered either through a syringe under the skin and into the muscle or through an IV. Although it’s best when administered by a medical professional, Naloxone comes in single-use auto-injectors that can be used by friends and family to stop an overdose death.

Keep in mind that Naloxone can cause what is essentially an instant withdrawal for the opiate user in question. Within minutes of blocking the opiates through Naloxone, individuals who received the injection may feel the following symptoms:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Stomach pain, cramping and diarrhea
  • Restlessness and irritability
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Rapid heartbeat

How Can Naloxone Impact the TX Overdose Epidemic?

Naloxone has the potential to minimize the number of drug overdose deaths throughout Texas, which currently number approximately 26,000 per year. However, Naloxone is only a last resort, and in many cases it’s challenging to have the medication available and to know when an overdose is imminent.

How Else Can Overdose Deaths be Reduced in Texas?

Naloxone isn’t the only answer to the problem of the TX overdose epidemic. Just as important is the availability of holistic, trauma-based recovery programs that focus on overall health. Also important is treating the cause, not the symptoms, of addiction. Resources like the Integrated Addiction Model, the Trauma Model, and the 12-step program can all play a role in minimizing drug overdose deaths in Texas and across the country.

What Should Patients Look for in Texas Rehab Centers?

Choosing a rehab center in Texas means narrowing down the many options and selecting the facility that best equips patients for a lifetime of sobriety. Some of the most vital elements might include the following:

Naloxone may be one tool in the fight against drug deaths, but another is Healing Springs Ranch in Tioga, Texas. Call 866-656-8384 to learn more about how Healing Springs Ranch can help you or someone you love overcome a drug addiction and enjoy a better, healthier and happier life moving forward.

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